Following the $22 million expansion that enabled Burra Foods to produce nutritional milk powders and a new range of products for infants, toddlers and the elderly, the Korumburra company has begun commercial production of new infant formula for the Asian market.

Burra Foods’ successfully completed expansion was made possible by a $1.5 million investment from the Victorian Coalition Government’s $1 billion Regional Growth Fund.
According to the media release by the Premier of Victoria, Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional and Rural Development Peter Ryan was joined by Member for Eastern Victoria Region Danny O’Brien at the official launching of the first commercial production of the new infant formula at the Burra Foods Dairy Processing Plant in Korumburra.
“This is great news for the company, great news for Korumburra and the region, and great news for the Victorian economy. This substantial investment created 60 construction jobs, 26 new full time jobs across the business and secured more than 100 existing jobs at the plant,” said Mr Ryan.
“It will provide strong support to the local dairy farmers who supply the factory, and create even more new jobs on local farms and in supply chain businesses across the region. The expansion will enable Burra Foods to boost its export sales, particularly to the lucrative export markets in Asia, and closely aligns with our Food to Asia Action Plan.”
Thanks to the expansion, the company is producing smaller batches of infant formula using existing waste-water treatment facilities and new water recycling and sterilisation equipment, as part of the significant water saving initiatives that are set to be completed by the end of 2014.
“Without the ultra-purified water in the manufacturing process and the ability to dispose of its trade waste, Burra Foods did not have the capacity to produce infant formula locally. This significant Coalition Government investment has enabled this important water saving work to be carried out and the development of this new product to occur,” said Mr O’Brien.
“Once complete, the water recycling and waste-water treatment initiatives will deliver significant benefits to the company and community through water savings and reduced trade waste discharges. This will reduce pressure on the town’s water supply by at least 165 mega litres a year or 62%.”