Blueprint for South Australia’s Forest and Wood Products Industry released for comments


The South Australian Forest Industry Advisory Board (SAFIAB) has released the “Draft Blueprint for the Future South East Forest and Wood Products Industry (2014 – 2040)”, offering directions for activities that can achieve significant economic, social and environmental outcomes.

Image credit: flickr User: Sakuto
Image credit: flickr User: Sakuto

Minister Gail Gago said the “Draft Blueprint Future South East Forest and Wood Products Industry (2014 – 2040)”, is already a product of stakeholder consultation and that more feedback is being sought before the document is finalised later this year.

According to the media release by the Government of South Australia, the SAFIAB prepared the draft blueprint and an associated industry policy statement following the release of a discussion paper and consultation with a wide range of stakeholders in Mount Gambier, Adelaide and Canberra throughout 2013.

“The forest and wood products industry is a significant primary and manufacturing industry in South Australia. South Australia is a national leader in plantation forestry management, building on over 100 years of expertise in plantation forestry,” Ms Gago said.

“The forest and wood products industry plays an important role in our State’s economic development, with the sale of goods and services generating revenue of about $2.6 billion, and directly and indirectly employing around 13,000 people.”

According to Ms Gago, the blueprint identifies and advises on emerging opportunities to enhance the sustainable economic development of the industry sectors.

“A number of opportunities to advance this important industry are outlined in the blueprint, and it offers direction for activities that can achieve significant economic, social and environmental outcomes,” Ms Gago said.

“There is tremendous potential for the South Australian forestry and wood products industry in areas including collaborative innovation and research, maximising our competitive advantage, sustainability, and trade.”

Trevor Smith, Chair of SAFIAB, said that the value of the final blueprint will be in no small part due to ongoing input from industry and interested parties.

“The Board looks forward to engaging with stakeholders that share the vision of an evolving, innovative industry that is making the best possible use of our world-class plantation assets,” Mr Smith said.

“The Board is now seeking further submissions from industry, government and the broader community, and encourages anyone wishing to offer feedback to do so.”

The final blueprint is expected to be released later this year, after the SAFIAB will have finished reviewing the received comments and feedback.

The draft blueprint and industry policy statement can be downloaded from: