Bipartisan support received for new electrolysis plant at Hobarts’s Zinc Works

Media Release by Nyrstar Australia

Nyrstar Australia, a multi-metals processing and manufacturing business, today announced that, with the support of Federal Labor, it now has bi-partisan support for its investment in the construction of a new Electrolysis Plant at the company’s ‘Zinc Works’ operations in Hobart, ensuring a long-term future for metals refining in Australia.

The development of the new electrolysis plant will secure the future of 500 direct jobs in Tasmania and in total approximately 1,600 direct jobs and over 5,000 indirect jobs across Nyrstar’s Australian operations in both Hobart and Port Pirie, the hometowns of Nyrstar Australia’s interlinked operations.

Nyrstar’s Vice-President Australian Operations, Dale Webb, said, “Today’s announcement of a $50 million commitment from Federal Labor demonstrates the important national contribution this project will make towards maximising the value from Australia’s mineral resources.

“This project will ensure that the next generation of employees in Tasmania will continue to play an important role in the manufacturing of zinc, a critical mineral for the transition to a low carbon world and essential to prolonging the useful life of steel in buildings.

“Together with Nyrstar Australia’s interlinked Port Pirie multi-metals refining facility, Hobart’s Zinc Works enables a greater recovery of minerals and metals that are important to global supply chains.”

The new Electrolysis Plant will incorporate the latest technology that will enable a step change in the performance of the Zinc Works in Hobart, increasing the competitiveness of high-quality Australian zinc across international markets.

The project is estimated to cost approximately AU$400 million in total, taking approximately 28 months from commencement and employing 200 people at the peak of construction.