To improve infrastructure in the Macarthur area and throughout the south-west Sydney growth corridor, the Commonwealth and NSW Governments are delivering on their commitment to a 6.8 kilometre upgrade of Narellan Road to six lanes from Camden Valley Way at Narellan to Blaxland Road at Campbelltown. The upgrade will generate about 250 jobs and local businesses are also set to benefit during the construction.

The Commonwealth Government has provided $53 million towards the upgrade in addition to the NSW Government’s $61 million commitment.
According to the Prime Minister’s media release, everyone will benefit from the upgrade once completed. Commuters should experience a reduction in traffic jams, goods and services will be delivered faster; and roads will be safer.
“The upgrade is part both governments’ plan to build a stronger and more prosperous Western Sydney by investing in major infrastructure that will transform the region’s economy.”
The upgrade is in its first stage, which begins with 1.6 kilometres of Narellan Road between the Hume Motorway and the access road to the Western Sydney Institute and University of Western Sydney.
The Stage One of the Narellan Road upgrade, according to the PM’s statement, includes:
The upgrade is in its first stage, which begins with 1.6 kilometres of Narellan Road between the Hume Motorway and the access road to the Western Sydney Institute and University of Western Sydney. (Image credit to PM Tony Abott’s official Facebook Page, upgrading to a six lane divided road, generally three lanes in each direction, with a central median and a three metre wide off-road shared pedestrian and cyclist path;
- widening the southbound off ramps from the Hume Motorway to Narellan Road to three lanes at the intersection with Narellan Road;
- upgrading the TAFE/University of Western Sydney roundabout to dual lanes;
- providing an additional right turn lane into the TAFE/University for eastbound traffic and extending the right turn bay about 180 metres;
- providing dedicated dual left turn lanes and an additional right turn lane onto Narellan Road from the TAFE/University; and
- constructing an Incident Response Facility at the south east corner of the M31 Hume Motorway interchange.