Australia’s Eden wins US patent protection for breakthrough carbon-based performance enhancer of plastic

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Eden Innovations Ltd (Eden) (ASX: EDE) is very pleased to announce that it has received notice from the US Patent Office that its patent application, filed in August 2017, entitled “Method For Making Nanostructured Materials Using Intercalation Of Carbon Nanoparticles” has been allowed.

The method is particularly suited to the fabrication of high strength plastic nanostructured materials and was developed by Eden in concert with the University of Queensland.

The US patent will issue following payment of an Issue Fee. In addition, a Patent Convention Treaty (PCT) application has been filed allowing for filing of corresponding patent applications throughout the world.

This is a very important step in the proposed commercialisation of EdenPlastTM, providing protection in the USA (and any other jurisdictions in which a similar patent may be granted under the PCT) of the patented methodology until August 2037.

The development of EdenPlastTM, which has taken a number of years, and has produced a range of plastics that have had a number of their performance characteristics enhanced, including stiffness, elasticity and strength. Additionally, a master batch of highly concentrated nanoparticle-enhanced plastic (which is necessary for marketing a commercial product) has also been successfully developed.

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