Aussie local manufacturer launches certified flushable wet wipes

Image credit: The Hygiene Co

The Hygiene Co, a local manufacturer has unveiled the first Australian Made certified flushable wet wipes.

The inaugural batch is now gracing the shelves of Foodland, offering consumers a convenient and eco-conscious alternative.

“Water utilities across Australia and the globe continue to grapple with the impact of traditional wet wipes, which don’t break down like toilet paper and clog up sewerage networks,” the government of South Australia noted in a news release.

Located in Woodville North, The Hygiene Co has achieved the remarkable feat of obtaining certification to the new Australian and New Zealand Flushable Products Standard, AS/NZS 5328:2022.

Its flushable wipe fabric underwent rigorous testing, including the clearance of plumbing lines and swift disintegration, across seven stages.

“We’re incredibly proud to be the first Australian-owned manufacturer to deliver a certified flushable wet wipe to the market and flip the script on these products,” affirmed Phil Scardigno, director of The Hygiene Co.

“The standard has opened the door to designing wet wipes that are suitable for flushing down the loo, and it inspired us to pioneer its use while setting a new benchmark for how wet wipes are manufactured,” he added.

Made from wood pulp, the newly introduced wipes are part of The Hygiene Co’s CleanLIFE brand, dedicated to offering plastic-free cleaning and hygiene solutions.

Among their product range, three items are certified as flushable, adorned with a distinct ‘certified to flush’ symbol on their packaging, while the stronger textured cleaning range is not intended for flushing.

“It’s great to see a South Australian business leading the way by investing in sustainable products that will help reduce the impact of wet wipes on essential sewerage infrastructure,” commended Trade and Investment Minister Nick Champion.

He continued, “This Australian first has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of time and money spent removing wet wipes from our sewer system.”

Meanwhile, Scardigno concluded, “It’s an exciting space to be in, as there’s a lot of other applications beyond wet wipes, and our hope is this will encourage the wider industry to elevate their own products.”