Aurora Labs to print trial components for Hunter Class Frigate Program


Australian metal 3D printing technology company Aurora Labs has been engaged by BAE Systems Australia, head contractor for the Hunter Class Frigate Program (HCFP), to print trial marine components for commercial evaluation for the HCFP.

BAE Systems, which is investigating large-scale metal additive manufacturing (AM) as a technology for future adoption, has identified Aurora Labs as a possible provider of Power Bed Fusion (PBF) technology to the HCFP.

As part of the project’s staged evaluation approach to identifying locally available AM processes, Aurora and BAE have agreed to initial investigative test printing of a component currently produced with traditional manufacturing.

Aurora Labs’ CEO Peter Snowsill said the company aims to prove its technical and commercial viability for the project by introducing 3D stainless steel printed components suitable for servicing the build of nine Future Frigates in Australia for the Royal Australian Navy.

“We are very pleases to be offered the chance to perform test printing for the Hunter Class Frigate Program,” Mr Snowsill said.

“Technical validation of this kind is crucial to our commercialization strategy and allows us to develop and position our technology to satisfy customer specifications.”

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