Altech’s CERENERGY battery achieves significant increase in annual production capacity

Triple Stacking Design of 1 MWh GridPack. Image credit: Altech Batteries Limited

Altech Batteries announced a significant milestone in the development of its CERENERGY project, as the company successfully increased the project’s annual production capacity from 100 MWh to 120 MWh.

This achievement is a result of collaborative efforts with the lead engineering company Leadec and joint venture partner Fraunhofer, the company said in an ASX announcement. 

Through technical design optimisation, the plant’s output has seen a remarkable 20 per cent boost without incurring any additional capital expenditures.

As a result, the annual production of 1MWh GridPacks will now reach 120 MWh. Despite the project’s relatively modest size, most equipment sizes used are standard off-the-shelf capacities, providing ample room for increased capacity.

After a thorough evaluation of equipment throughput with each supplier, Leadec has recommended a conservative increase in the plant’s rated output to 120 MWh.

One of the noteworthy updates introduced by Altech is the redesign of the 60 KWh battery pack. The new design features a sleek stainless-steel exterior, replacing the previous blue paint.

This modification enhances the battery pack’s durability and its ability to withstand extreme temperature variations, making it suitable for various environmental conditions, from snowy landscapes to desert climates.

Additionally, a significant breakthrough in the CERENERGY GridPacks design involves the stacking method, allowing for convenient triple stacking and seamless interconnection between each GridPack.

This innovative design facilitates an effortless “plug and play” setup, enabling parallel or series connections to augment operational voltage.

The compact design not only conserves valuable land area but also eliminates the need for separate cooling airflow around the GridPacks, making CERENERGY GridPacks a more advanced alternative to traditional lithium-ion battery solutions.

Altech’s Group Managing Director, Iggy Tan, conveyed that they acknowledged a substantial margin in the various equipment designs right from the start.

He explained that their initial approach to facility design was fairly cautious. However, as they advanced in finalising the overall equipment operations, it became clear that they could enhance their production rate.

“We are currently in the final stages of the DFS, where we are meticulously reviewing all cost factors, including operating consumables and purchased items,” Tan noted.