Australia’s first Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Hub in Northgate is offering extensive industry expertise to help manufacturers evolve and meet supply needs during the coronavirus pandemic.
Led by the Queensland Government and delivered in partnership with QUT and Urban Art Projects (UAP), the ARM Hub in Northgate is a collaborative facility for the local manufacturing sector which aims to bring together private industry, cutting-edge research, and Government to position Australia as a global leader in advanced robotics and design-led manufacturing.
Minister for Manufacturing Cameron Dick said the ARM Hub will leverage robotics, automation and other Industry 4.0 technology and processes to help manufacturers overcome current industry challenges and fill gaps in the market.
“The ARM Hub is a facility for all of Queensland, and I encourage manufacturers from around Queensland to contact the team, take advantage of their knowledge and skills, and work together to take new products to market,” Mr Dick said.
“Just recently the hub’s robotics and design talents have been called on to assist with the prototyping of the OzVader ventilator, which was designed and manufactured here in Queensland.
“Hub staff are also working on strategy and technical capacity with businesses to ensure they’re in the best possible position to bounce back successfully and keep employing once industry returns to normal operation.
“Businesses needing manufacturing support should get in touch with the ARM Hub to schedule a video call or teleconference to discuss their needs.”
ARM Hub Technical Director Professor Jonathan Roberts said the hub team are ‘ready and eager to support operational transformation during this challenging time and beyond’.
“We have to work together to find safer, cost-effective and productive solutions,” Prof. Roberts continued.
“Businesses can use the ARM Hub to explore, experiment and implement advanced manufacturing solutions, powered by robotics and assistive technologies like augmented and virtual reality.
“The hub offers design capabilities, from industrial, process and digital through to workflow, engineering and architectural design.
“Additionally, our Learning Factory is available for businesses to see and trial the technology firsthand.”
Queensland manufacturers looking for ARM Hub support can contact the hub’s Business Development Manager Peta Portelli via peta.portelli@armhub.com.au.