The world’s leading scientific minds are heading to South Australia this week to investigate the hi-tech nature of aerospace industries and related business opportunities.

Adelaide will host the 12th Australian Space Development Conference (ASDC) which focuses on the regional space community – both commercial and civil.
Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade Tom Kenyon believes the conference provides an opportunity to highlight South Australia’s technological capabilities.
“The South Australian Government encourages aerospace companies to locate to Adelaide, where there are industry clusters which foster value-adding and innovation. There are clear links between the hi-tech nature of aerospace industries and our push to develop advanced manufacturing.” Mr Kenyon said.
Minister Kenyon revealed South Australia’s transition to an advanced manufacturing economy is a key aspect of the State Government’s manufacturing strategy Manufacturing Works.
“For advanced manufacturing to grow in South Australia, we must adopt a high-value model, catering to niche markets and linked to national and international supply chains. South Australian academic institutions and companies are playing a key role in advanced manufacturing and aerospace,” Mr Kenyon said.
“Space is big business and produces numerous economic spin-offs and lifestyle advantages. It can positively influence major issues which affect our quality of life, such as health care, food production and climate change,” Mr Kenyon added.
This year, the ASDC, which is being held from 8-10 July at the Adelaide Hilton, will seek to explore the links between the needs and capabilities of the space players within the Asia Pacific region.