Media Release by Australian Made
The Australian Made Campaign has welcomed the Australian Dental Technicians Association (ADTA) as its newest Industry Partner, supporting the growth of Australia’s dental prosthetics manufacturing sector.
As one of Australia’s peak independent industry groups, ADTA is the nationally coordinated body representing dental technicians across Australia, the needs of its members and the laboratories they operate. These labs produce dental prosthetics such as crowns, implants, bridges and dentures.
ADTA strives to support the growth of local manufacturing, uphold and advance the standard of dental technology, foster educational opportunities for dental professionals, provide strong advocacy and initiatives to promote the profession and provide and manage standards for Dental Laboratory Certification.
Australian Made Chief Executive, Ben Lazzaro, said the partnership supports the growth of the local dental prosthetic manufacturing sector and the contribution it makes to progressing the dental health of Australians.
“When choosing a dental prosthetic, consumers are likely to focus on product attributes such as health, safety and durability.” Mr Lazzaro said. “When you buy Australian Made products, you know what you are getting – products made to the highest safety and manufacturing standards. At the same time, you are supporting local Australian industry.”
“We must foster an Australian manufacturing environment that encourages and assists manufacturers to innovate and build on their success, as well as provide pathways to new markets. The result is a healthy manufacturing sector, job creation and better access to markets.”
According to ADTA, Australia is a true leader in advancing dental technology and constantly innovating to produce the best products for Australian consumers.
ADTA President, Tony Minichilli, said, “Australian local dental manufacturers are exactly that, local. They use local suppliers and create local jobs. We proactively represent our local manufacturers on matters of importance to the industry and the region and are excited to partner with Australian Made.
Australian Made looks forward to supporting ADTA and its members with improved access to Australia’s most recognised, trusted and widely used country of origin symbol – the Australian Made logo. The third-party accreditation system ensures products that carry the logo are certified as ‘authentically Australian’.