Memphasys appoints Felix device manufacturer


W&S Plastics, a custom injection moulder in NSW Australia, has secured a contract to manufacture and assemble a medical device for bio-separations company Memphasys.

Under the agreement, W&S plastics will manufacture Memphasys’ Felix disposable cartridges for KOL assessment using a new tooling strategy that will be built upon as commercial sales of the device progress.

Memphasys Executive Chair Alison Coutts said the use of the initial tooling method will improve the commercialisation process for the Felix device.

“The appointment of W&S Plastics, who have a high level of experience in the design and manufacturing of intricate components of medical devices, is a key milestone for Memphasys as we look to realise our commercialisation goals In 2020,” Ms Coutts said.

“They have identified and recommended a tooling strategy to produce cartridges for KOL assessment, the regulatory approval process and first 12 – 18 months of commercial sales, which is a significant improvement on our earlier plans and a more efficient and flexible process to commercialisation.”

Established in 1978, W&S Plastics has a large-scale facility in Sydney and a new facility in Malaysia.  Both facilities are highly accredited and equipment and with advanced machinery to deliver custom designs and modifications and high-volume production focused on medical devices.

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