Qld Government announces $25m bail-out for Mossman sugar mill

Image Credit: Queensland Government

Far Northern Milling has received a $25 million funding assistance from the Queensland Government to establish an innovative bio-refinery that would help secure the future of most far northern sugar mill.

Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said the project would help underpin the long-term future of Mossman sugar mill which employs approximately 90 people during the crushing season and approximately 60 during the “off season”.

“Far Northern Milling intends to establish a biorefinery that will provide a viable future for the mill and long-term economic benefits to the community,” he said.

“If successful, this project will result in the development of a bio-refinery in the Far North which uses the latest in green chemical technology, which is another strong and progressive step forward for the state’s biofutures industry.

Mr Dick said the potential project would also diversify the Douglas Shire economy through the introduction of a considerable number of green chemical manufacturing jobs.

“Our government’s $25 million support package will materially benefit Far Northern Milling as they work towards finalising their business case, and, if successful, constructing the biorefinery,” the Minister continued.

“This package has been developed in consultation with the growers and is focused on securing the long-term viability of the industry.”

Ms Maryann Salvetti, Chair of Far Northern Milling, said the funding support provided by the Queensland Government, which also includes $4 million to complete the necessary engineering studies for the biorefinery and provide executive support, will be ‘vital’ to helping Far Northern Milling deliver the project.

“We would like to thank Minister Dick, Cynthia Lui and the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning for this support and their vote of confidence in our vision of creating a bio-future for our community,” she said.

“We now have a pathway forward to save Mossman Mill and the jobs it supports, which is great news for the Mossman sugar community.”

Image credit: www.qld.gov.au