New Defence Innovation Partnership to help grow South Australia’s R&D ecosystem

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Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne has announced the establishment of the Defence Innovation Partnership, a new SA-based organisation that will generate defence-related research and development activity for the state.

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The new organisation is a partnership between the South Australian Government, the Defence Science and Technology Group and the three local universities; Adelaide University, Flinders University and the University of South Australia.

In announcing the initiative, Mr Pyne said the partnership will provide a focal point to form defence related research partnerships across government, industry and academia and to increase SA’s involvement in providing future technologies to Defence.

“This new partnership will enable Defence to further leverage science and technology expertise from South Australia’s leading academic institutions and industry,” Minister Pyne said.

The move follows the establishment of a new Centre for Defence Industry Capability and the launch of a new Defence Innovation Hub, both located in Adelaide.

“This new partnership between the DST Group and the South Australian university sector aims to create a centre for future defence related research networks in South Australia.  A further example of the Turnbull Government’s commitment to build our defence industry,” the Minister added.

“It will provide a platform for industry and universities in South Australia to undertake joint cross-disciplinary research, solving Defence’s technology challenges,” he said.

According to him, the partnership will help to grow a future talent pool of defence researchers and fund joint projects to enhance industry capability and transition research into innovation.

“The Turnbull Government is committed to collaborative partnerships such as this, which allow academia and industry to proactively promote its capabilities to Defence, creating a win-win for both Defence and industry,” the Minister concluded.

The Defence Innovation Partnership is co-funded by DST Group, the universities and the South Australian Government, which will contribute $3.67 million in funding across five years.