FH Management wins state government grant to revamp manufacturing facility


Tasmania’s Minister for Resources Guy Barnett announced the recipients of grant funding under the latest round of the Regional Revival Fund.

Image credit: freedigitalphotos.net User: renjith krishnan
Image credit: freedigitalphotos.net User: renjith krishnan

Mr Barnet said eight new projects will share $5 million in funding to deliver a total of $16.8 million in direct investment through the Fund’s partnership model which requires joint funding from project proponents or other partners.

“The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering funding for eight new projects which will help revitalise regional economies and create jobs,” Mr Barnett said, adding that the projects will create around 95 direct jobs during the investment phase as well as an estimated 170 ongoing positions.

Westbury’s FH Management is one of the eight successful recipients of the funding which the company will use to fund a $628,000 expansion and enhancement of their existing manufacturing facility which produces environmentally sustainable insulated panels for floor and roof construction.

“The panels are an innovative and unique building product utilising Tasmanian planation timber resources,” The Minister pointed out.

“The project will enable FH Management to meet current and expected building industry demand for what is a home grown product, creating eight jobs during construction and nine ongoing permanent jobs.”

The Regional Revival Fund was established to unlock the development potential of major private sector projects that are currently sitting idle or have been shelved due to cost constraints.

The Fund requires recipients to commence development within 12 months of finalising the necessary contractual arrangements.

“The latest Regional Revival Fund projects build on our previous commitment to supporting regional economies with a total of $2.8 million going to construction of the Southern Waste Solutions C-cell controlled waste facility in Copping and the upgrade of JBS Australia‘s Devonport Abattoir,” Mr Barnett said.

“We know more needs to be done to create jobs and drive growth and opportunities for Tasmanians and that is what the Regional Revival Fund is all about.”