Victoria seeks input on advancing women in manufacturing and energy sectors

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Businesses and individuals throughout Victoria are encouraged to provide their input on strategies to enhance the involvement and progression of women in the manufacturing and energy sectors, the state government announced.

Minister for Women Natalie Hutchins recently welcomed the release of a discussion paper, a vital component of the government’s response to the Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women.

The discussion paper outlines the factors contributing to the underrepresentation of women in industries such as manufacturing, where women currently constitute only 31 per cent of the workforce, and underscores the need for industry-specific strategies to address this gender disparity.

The paper also seeks input on how workplaces can offer greater support and create safe environments for women from diverse backgrounds.

Recognising that certain groups of women face unique obstacles in participating and advancing in these sectors, the paper aims to gather opinions on key aspects of the proposed strategies, including their scope, vision, outcomes, and priority action areas.

This initiative follows the Victorian Government’s recent announcement of $840,000 in funding for four organisations.

These organisations, including the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union, the National Association of Women in Operations, the Victorian Trades Hall Council, and Australian Women in Solar Energy, will focus on helping women progress into senior positions, promoting respectful workplace cultures, and encouraging students to consider careers in the energy and manufacturing sectors.

This investment, totalling $2.7 million, aims to increase women’s representation in these historically male-dominated fields.

Minister Hutchins expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative, stating that she eagerly anticipates input from the manufacturing and energy sectors on how to provide greater support for women in establishing successful careers within these industries.

“Increasing women’s participation in male-dominated industries, especially in trade-based and leadership roles, will help women fully contribute to our state’s economy, towards a more equal state,” the minister remarked.

Written submissions for the discussion paper are invited and can be submitted through this link until Thursday, 30 November.