Queensland’s quantum economy poised for growth with new strategy

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The Queensland Government has unveiled the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy, developed in collaboration with universities and industry partners.

The government has committed $76 million over four years to support the strategy’s implementation and foster the creation of high-value jobs.

During her CEDA State of the State address, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk officially launched the strategy, emphasising Queensland’s exceptional research and fabrication capabilities in quantum and related technologies.

These technologies encompass semiconductors, superconductors, photonics, and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), with applications in sectors such as renewable energy, critical minerals, batteries, medicine, and defence.

The strategy’s primary objective is to streamline the process of transforming research findings and intellectual assets into profitable ventures within Queensland.

It also seeks to entice and support the growth of advanced technology companies that will, in turn, generate employment opportunities within the region.

This comprehensive approach encompasses several critical components, such as ensuring that Queensland remains at the forefront of quantum science and expanding the local quantum and advanced technology sector by fostering the conversion of research into practical applications.

Moreover, the strategy seeks to develop, attract, and retain a skilled workforce dedicated to the quantum ecosystem as well as assist various industries in utilising profound scientific insights to tackle Queensland’s challenges effectively.

The strategy’s execution will be overseen by Quantum Innovation Queensland, a new governance group comprising representatives from universities, industry, and government, led by the incoming Queensland Chief Scientist.

A Quantum and Advanced Technologies Directorate will be established within the Department of Environment and Science to serve as the ‘front door’ for the quantum sector, oversee the Strategy’s programs, and promote the long-term growth of the quantum and advanced technologies sector.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk stated, “Our government is determined to build upon the foundation we have as the Smart State in powering the second quantum revolution.”

She added, “This means more Queenslanders will have the opportunity to have good, high paying and secure jobs in the careers of the future.”

Science Minister Leanne Linard highlighted the significance of quantum science in addressing global challenges and revolutionising key fields and industries.

“Quantum science will be critical in helping us to solve national and global challenges and will revolutionise several key fields and industries including renewable energy, critical minerals, batteries, medicine, and defence,” the minister said.

Linard added, “It will also position Queensland to supply critical inputs for the global quantum computing industry and will support the continued development of quantum biotechnology innovations.”