$65 million unveiled to back new ARC training centres, research hubs

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Eight new Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centres and five new ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hubs are sharing more than $64.8 million in funding to train Australia’s next generation of research professionals and support projects aimed at generating real-world outcomes. 

Judi Zielke, chief executive officer of ARC, said the funding will provide innovative research benefits, new products, and commercial opportunities for Australia. It will also enable Australia’s top researchers to engage with critical industry partners to address current and future challenges faced by industrial sectors. 

“They will also facilitate outstanding Higher Degree by Research and Postdoctoral training to equip an industry-ready workforce, strengthening Australia’s wider research capability nationally and internationally,” Zielke said. 

Over $227 million in additional funding will come from universities and industry organisations for the new ARC Training Centres, along with $78 million for the new ARC Research Hubs, which will help increase collaboration between innovative researchers and industries vital to Australia’s social and economic future. 

The funding will enable researchers and students to access the latest technology and facilitates and collaborate with leading industry experts to develop transformative solutions across government in Industrial Transformation Priority areas, including recycling and clean energy, and advanced manufacturing. 

The new ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres include RMIT University’s Training Centre for Whole Life Design of Carbon Neutral Infrastructure, the University of Adelaide’s Training Centre for Battery Recycling, and Monash University’s Training Centre for Radiochemical Technologies and Precision Radiopharmaceuticals. 

Meanwhile, the new ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hubs commencing in 2023 include Swinburne University of Technology’s Research Hub for Future Digital Manufacturing, Monash University’s Research Hub for Smart Process Design and Control, and Queensland University of Technology’s Research Hub in Zero-emission Power Generation for Carbon Neutrality. 

For the full list and more information about the new ARC training centres and research hubs, visit arc.gov.au