New rounds for mineral exploration grants opens in WA

Exploration Incentive Scheme. Image credit:

Round 27 of the Exploration Incentive Scheme’s (EIS) flagship co-funded drilling program and Series 5 of the Energy Analysis Program (EAP) are now accepting applications, the Western Australian (WA) Government announced.

The competitive grants program provides reimbursements of up to 50% for innovative exploration drilling and EAP initiatives, subject to certain limits.

Acting Mines and Petroleum Minister Sue Ellery said searching for the next major resource discovery keeps WA at the forefront of mineral exploration.

“The mining industry is a major employer of people in WA, with more than 157,000 workers, and exploration plays a key role in sustaining that growth,” Minister Ellery stated.

Minister Ellery added that seeing so many of these economic benefits trickle down to regional communities is highly satisfying.

According to the State Government, successful applicants from previous rounds of the EIS are drilling in remote and unexplored locations along WA‘s eastern border.

The first drill hole at WA1 Resources’ Pachpadra project discovered a mineralised carbonatite structure. These systems are significant sources of rare earth elements, which are used in the manufacture of batteries and electrical devices.

Drilling at Caspin Resources’ Duchess project yielded significant gold and molybdenum grades, while Hamelin Resources’ first drill hole south of its Afghan prospect yielded high-grade gold mineralisation along a geological contact that previous explorers still needed to address.

Applications for Series 5 of the EAP and Round 27 of the EIS will close by 3 March 2023.