Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman shortlisted for Australia’s AIR6500

Image credit: https://www1.defence.gov.au/project/joint-air-battle-management-system

The Federal Government has selected Lockheed Martin Australia and Northrop Grumman Australia to continue to the final stage of the competitive evaluation process (CEPS2) for the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) new Joint Air Battle Management System (AIR6500-1).

Defence Minister Peter Dutton said the two companies were selected following extensive industry engagement and collaboration.

“The Morrison Government’s $2.7 billion investment in a sovereign Joint Air Battle Management System will deliver a critical capability to defend against increasingly advanced air and missile threats,” Minister Dutton said in a press release.

“Through the competitive evaluation process, Australian industry has demonstrated its versatility and adaptability to provide innovative proposals in the challenging field of Integrated Air and Missile Defence.

“The Joint Air Battle Management System will connect our ships, aircraft and other capabilities together in a way that multiplies their defensive power.”

Defence Industry Minister Melissa Price congratulated the two companies on their ‘well-considered and highly competitive responses’, adding that the competitive evaluation process will select an Australian company to lead the delivery of the project.

“Defence found the down-selected companies demonstrated the best understanding of its capability requirements, as well as a strong commitment to developing Australian industry capability,” Minister Price said.

“I look forward to seeing the advanced technical solutions and prototypes that will be developed as these companies refine their final offering for the Joint Air Battle Management System.”

Joe North, Chief Executive Lockheed Martin Australia and New Zealand said the company would continue partnering with local industry, academia and government to deliver future technologies that can be integrated into an open architecture framework to support AIR6500-1.

“We look forward to collaborating with Australian industry and the Royal Australian Air Force to progress the AIR6500-1 solution as part of the CEPS2,” Mr North said.

“We would like to congratulate Northrop Grumman for also being down selected for the CEPS2.”

Image credit: https://www1.defence.gov.au/project/joint-air-battle-management-system