Working together for health and safety through COVID-19

Image from Safe Work Australia
Media Release

Safety at work affects everyone – workers, their families, businesses, and our community.

October is National Safe Work Month, a time to commit to building and maintaining safe and healthy workplaces.

This year’s theme is Work Health and Safety through COVID-19, acknowledging and reflecting the wide-reaching impact of the pandemic on Australian workplaces.

Good work health and safety practice and risk management are more important than ever.

To keep our workplaces safe, we all need to work together to manage the risks arising from COVID-19.

During October, Safe Work Australia invites employers, organisations and work health and safety leaders to take part in National Safe Work Month and focus on health and safety at work.

To find out more and to get involved, go to the National Safe Work Month website at

The campaign kit is free and includes a range of resources you can use to join in and promote work health and safety in your workplace. You can also find links to guidance on managing work health and safety risks from COVID-19.

New resources and tools will also be released during National Safe Work Month in October.

Together, we can keep our workplaces safe for everyone – through COVID-19 and beyond.

How to participate in National Safe Work Month

  1. Go to the National Safe Work Month website and download resources from the campaign kit.
  2. Customise and share the resources with your workplace, work teams, supervisor or health and safety representative.
  3. Follow Safe Work Australia on social media to keep up to date with what’s happening and new campaign materials.
  4. Promote National Safe Work Month and share updates about your activities on social media using the hashtags #safeworkmonth and #safetytogether.
  5. Keep an eye on the National Safe Work Month website and subscribe to the mailing list to stay updated on the latest news.