Victorian Coalition supports Kagome Australia with significant investment


The Victorian Coalition Government has committed its support to Kagome Australia’s $21 million expansion plans that will create 20 new jobs for Victorians.

Image: Flickr user photon_de
Image: Flickr user photon_de

The country’s largest tomato processing company plans to expand by establishing a new wastewater treatment plant, a carrot concentrate production line, and a new pouch packaging facility, according to a media release.

“This investment will improve Kagome Australia’s competiveness against foreign imports and allow the company to replace those with Victorian produce,” Acting Premier and Minister for State Development, Peter Ryan said.

“Kagome Australia estimates it will be able replace 7,000 tonnes of imported tomato paste, worth about $6.5 million, after its upgrades.”

The new wastewater treatment plant will enhance the productivity of Kagome’s operations and make it more environmentally sustainable, while the carrot concentrate production line will allow the company to produce a new counter seasonal product line. Meanwhile, the food service line will produce pouch packages as the company continues to innovate.

Kagome Australia has been manufacturing high-quality tomato-based products since 1996 and acquired Echuca-based Cedenco in 2010, securing Australia’s last tomato processor. The Coalition Government has given Kagome significant financial assistance to secure its investments in Victorian agriculture.

Kagome continues to be a strong contributor to the Victorian economy, and the expansion will see more jobs created for the people in the State.

“Kagome Australia already provides 45 jobs for rural Victorians, and their expansion will create a further 20 jobs,” Mr Ryan said.

“The company also employs about an additional 300 people during its peak season from January through April.”

John Brady, CEO of Kagome Australia, said the investments will bring about a vertically integrated company, the first affiliate of the Kagome Group world-wide.

“We are excited with the prospect of being Paddock to Plate capable. We harvest more than 2,500Ha in Victoria and are proud to partner with local tomato growers and land-owners,” Mr Brady said.

“The Kagome Group chose Victoria because of its capabilities and reputation of being one of the best safe food suppliers in the world.”