Media Release
Closed doors can present a germ-infested problem in times of Covid-19.
Enter the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) with a solution in the form of a 3D printed door-opening device.
USQ print and design company Ellipsis Media is building hands-free door openers using a design sourced by the Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE).
The simple device allows for doors to be opened with an arm instead of an exposed hand, helping reduce the possibility of spreading any viruses.
Ellipsis Media Director Robert Keanalley said the design had been tested and used on bathroom doors across the University with great success.
“The design is easy to print and affordable,” Mr Keanalley said.
“It attaches to the door handle with two bolts and an inner rubber sleeve that protects and grips the handle. It is best used on vertical handles or lighter weight doors, but ideal for bathroom exits where there is a high risk of contamination with wet or unclean hands.
“Now that we have successfully tested these on doors at USQ, we are happy to help other businesses.”
TSBE Health General Manager Jaden Frame said USQ Ellipsis Media was a wonderful example of the community coming together and embracing innovation.
“With door handles among some of the most germ-infested objects in all homes and businesses, doing our part to use our covered arms instead of bare hands can possibly aid in avoiding further passing on of COVID-19 and other viruses.”
In another example of 3D printing on the COVID-19 frontline, Ellipsis Media have also printed face shields and will soon provide 50 to Darling Downs Health.
It follows a push by USQ experts and other Toowoomba 3D printing business-owners to make 300 face shields within the next few weeks to tackle state-wide shortages.
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