Premier Denis Napthine yesterday unveiled a $33 billion initiative which is expected to create 200,000 jobs and provide training for nearly one million Victorians.
According to the media release by the Premier of Victoria, the Victorian Jobs in the 21st Century plan will use the Coalition Government’s record investment in large-scale infrastructure projects as a springboard to create a diverse, highly skilled and productive workforce that will underpin a strong economy for decades to come.
“This is a clear 6-point plan that builds on Victoria’s strengths and capitalises on the opportunities presented through the Asian Century by focusing on skills, manufacturing, infrastructure, services, the digital economy and international engagement. Over the last three and a half years our Government has built a strong foundation for Victoria’s future. We are the only state with a Triple A stable credit rating with budget surpluses over all the forward estimates,” Dr Napthine said.
“There are now 100,000 more people employed than when we came to office and since 2010 we have also enabled 800,000 people to enrol in 1.8 million courses. On top of this, we have invested in the largest public infrastructure program seen in Australia in more than 70 years. Our Victorian Jobs in the 21st Century plan builds on this foundation to take the state forward and deliver a prosperous Victoria with jobs, opportunities and training for all members of our community.”
He said the Coalition Government would invest $121.4 million on top of the $21.9 million it invested in the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Trades at Chisholm Institute’s Frankston Campus to ensure Victoria had a highly skilled and adaptable workforce.
“Over the next four years the Coalition Government will spend $5.2 billion to deliver training for 850,000 Victorians, plus 60,000 new apprenticeships, We will also invest an additional $121.4 million to support young people and adults who are changing jobs, and we will create a Future Skills Fund to create skills centres across Victoria,” Dr Napthine said.
According to the Premier, manufacturing is a key sector in the Victorian economy, employing 275,000 people and contributing $17 billion in exports.
“Victorian has a bright future in manufacturing, particularly in the high-end and knowledge-intensive sectors such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, food production, nanotechnology and robotics. The Coalition Government is committing $274 million to grow Victoria’s manufacturing sector,” he said.
“This will include special funding programs to help attract new businesses to Victoria and to assist existing companies to expand. We will also provide manufacturing companies with support to invest in innovative new processes and equipment and will provide special support for manufacturers in the automotive supply chain.”
The Coalition Government is about to begin enacting the Victorian Jobs in the 21st Century.
“Over the next three weeks I will demonstrate my Government’s commitment to this landmark $33 billion plan by announcing new initiatives that will create 3,000 Victorian jobs. The Liberal National Coalition is the only party with a real plan, with real investment that will lead to real jobs for Victorian families,” the Premier said.
The plan also includes significant investments in infrastructure, the services industry, the digital economy and international engagement.