Volt Resources joins the European Raw Materials Alliance 


Graphite producer and developer and gold explorer Volt Resources has joined the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) following the acquisition of a controlling 70% interest in the Ukraine based Zavalievsky Graphite business.

Established in September 2020 by the European Commission, the ERMA is focussed on the development and strengthening of European raw materials value chains for batteries, fuel cells and rare earth magnets and motors.

Volt, which is also a member of the European Battery Alliance (EBA), said the two organisations are providing support for its strategy to become an integrated graphite mine and battery anode material producer in Europe.

“With the acquisition of the Zavalievsky graphite business completed and Volt’s status as a producer of graphite products in Europe, membership of the two key EU sponsored battery materials alliances provide the opportunity to build relationships and obtain access to capital to support the expansion and product development plans for the European graphite business,” said Managing Director, Trevor Matthews.

“Combined with the future production of graphite products from the development ready Bunyu Project in Tanzania and plans for processing capacity to supply the LIB industry in the United States, Volt will be uniquely positioned as a globally significant and diversified graphite producer.”

Video: https://voltresources.com/zavalievsky-graphite-acquisition/