$10 million to support manufacture of WA-made PPE

Image by leo2014 from Pixabay

The McGowan Government has unveiled a $10 million package to boost Western Australian businesses impacted by COVID-19 and increase the supply of locally made PPE.

Three new rounds from the Local Capability Fund would be directed to help COVID-affected businesses and improve the WA business community’s capacity and competitiveness to manufacture PPE.

Premier Mark McGowan said creating more opportunities for local business is an important component of WA’s recovery from COVID-19.

“These grants will help successful businesses move towards manufacturing PPE right here in Western Australia, and move towards being less reliant on obtaining PPE from outside the State,” said Mr McGowan in a statement.

“This initiative will also help businesses retain workers as the State moves towards recovery, and in many cases, take on new staff.”

“They help the State Government deliver on its commitment to drive job creation in Western Australia and support local business by capturing opportunities to drive economic growth.”

The three rounds are as follows:

  • $6.5 million COVID-19 Business Recovery and Growth round, co-funding of up to $100,000 a business, to support any Western Australian SME impacted by the pandemic to build their capacity and competitiveness.
  • $3 million PPE Manufacturing round, a co-funding grant of up to $500,000 per business is available to help SMEs who want to manufacture PPE such as masks, face visors, coveralls and ventilators.
  • PPE Market Feasibility round will allocate up to $20,000 a business to undertake an independent feasibility study into the viability of a business’ PPE-manufacturing proposal.

Health Minister Roger Cook said he is pleased that the State Government can offer support to increase local manufacture of health requirements and help SMEs adjust to the new business environment.

“PPE has proved crucial to our healthcare staff since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, and this Local Capability Fund round will help establish a reliable local supply in the future.”

“Although the COVID-19 case numbers in Western Australia remain very encouraging, we cannot afford to be complacent, and these funds will help our State prepare for the future.”

Since 2011, the 21 Local Capability Fund rounds has resulted in $6.79 million being committed to 395 SMEs, creating more than 800 jobs, 135 apprenticeships and
$457.7 million in contract awards.

For more information, visit the WA Industry Link portal at https://industrylink.wa.gov.au or the Grants and Funding Opportunities page of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation website at http://www.jtsi.wa.gov.au/grantsandfunding

Image by leo2014 from Pixabay