Under the second round of the Advanced Food Manufacturing (AFM) grant program, 10 ground-breaking food manufacturing projects will receive a funding boost to support the development of new or improved food products or manufacturing processes through the commercialisation of research.

The successful projects of the program total $1.19 million, with $500,000 from the State Government of South Australia and $695,600 from industry.
“The projects will create new products, prolong shelf life and usefulness, or allow entry to new and extended markets, all of which is excellent news for local food manufacturers,” said Acting Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Minister Kyam Maher.
Ferguson Australia will get $30,000 to deliver extracts from underutilised Southern Rock-lobster co-products. The company will cooperate with Mitani Products and Austanz Chitin, to develop value-added extract from rock-lobster co-products for food flavouring and pharmaceuticals.
Kangaroo Island Living Honey will be awarded $25,000 to develop nutraceutical products using Kangaroo Island Honey and Propolis. The company will work with University of Adelaide School of Agriculture, Food & Wine and SARDI, Kangaroo Island Living Honey to research the nutraceutical and medicinal properties of Honey specific to the Kangaroo Island Ligurian Honeybee.
Organic Raw and Trading Company has been awarded $70,000 to optimise production and scale of raw and naturally fermented Kombucha. The company will work with the Australian Wine Research Institute to extend their current research and practices to create a stable product and to continue the company expansion.
A total of $100,000 has been awarded to Potatoes South Australia Inc to transform underutilised potatoes into pure, nutritious, premium food products.
“In collaboration with the FOODPlus Research Centre at the University of Adelaide, the peak industry body Potatoes South Australia will work with SAFCOL Australia to develop a new food range, transforming underutilised waste potatoes into food products targeted at the infant, elderly and convenience market segments,” it says in the Minister’s news release.
South Australian Seafoods was awarded $30,000 to develop a range of premium value-added mussel products. In collaboration with food safety experts in SARDI and food technology consultants, the new range of mussel products will have extended shelf-life for domestic and export markets.
University of Adelaide, School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences will work on the development of innovative management practices to achieve year round supply of premium pasture-finished cattle in the Limestone Coast region. The School will work with Teys Australia, Limestone Coast Beef producers, SARDI Livestock & Farming Systems, Food & Forage, and NAS Agribusiness Naracoorte to develop novel grazing systems and achieve a supply of premium pasture-finished cattle during autumn and winter.
Willunga Pasta will get $40,000 to develop effective and efficient small-scale low temperature drying equipment for its unique high-value gluten free pasta. The company will join forces with Envirotec Group and Logifish Consulting to develop efficient small-scale low temperature drying equipment to optimise the drying process for handmade gluten-free pasta.