Naval Group Australia and ASC have signed a Framework Agreement which details the terms and conditions through which the two companies will collaborate for the provision of supplies and services to each other to support Australia’s sovereign submarine capability.
Under the agreement, Naval Group and ASC will co-ordinate resources and talent pools to plan future activities in support of both Australian Sovereign Submarine Programs.
The two parties will also collaborate on delivering OH&S training and supply chain services, drawing on each other’s existing supply chain knowledge to further develop the supply chains and opportunities for local industry in the Australian Sovereign Submarine Programs.
Naval Group Australia CEO John Davis said the deal will also see the establishment of joint working groups to manage the Framework Agreement and identify, develop and recommend other collaboration opportunities.
“We share common values and are ideally placed to maximise the synergies between the ongoing Collins Class sustainment program and the design and build of the Attack Class submarines,” Mr Davis continued.
“This innovative collaboration with ASC is a key enabling component of Naval Group’s commitment to design and build 12 Attack class submarines.
“It will support the development of a sovereign submarine capability, providing economic benefits and supporting industrial development to deliver a multi-generational submarine enterprise to Australia.”
ASC CEO Stuart Whiley added:
“It’s an exciting time for ASC and our people to be working with Naval Group for the Attack Class Submarine program and this agreement will provide Collins Class life-extension program access to Naval Group technology. ”
“With Naval Group and ASC working together, I’m confident that both Australian Sovereign Submarine programs will deliver for Australia now and in the
Defence Minister Christopher Pyne said the Framework Agreement was ‘ another important document for the future of Australia’s submarines’.
“This Framework Agreement is a great early step to ensure ASC Submarines has a role in delivering the Attack class as well as sustaining our existing Collins class fleet,” the Minister stated.
“Today’s signing of the Framework Agreement demonstrates the close cooperation needed to grow the submarine workforce for many decades to come.”