The Victorian State Government is calling for expressions of interest from utility-scale battery storage businesses to build Australia’s first grid scale battery storage facility.

The new 20MW battery, to be constructed in the north-west or south-west of Victoria, is expected to greatly improve grid reliability and ensure affordable energy supply.
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio said expressions of interest are being sought by 1 March 2017, and are to be provided to the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) at energystorage@delwp.vic.gov.au.
“We are in the midst of a major global transformation and we’re making sure Victoria is equipped with the next generation of energy technologies that will support a resilient energy system,” the Minister said.
“The 20MW battery will be the first of its kind for Australia, it will help to modernise Victoria’s electricity grid, enhance energy security and deliver affordable energy.”
The announcement will feed into a large scale storage and flexible capacity expression of interest process being undertaken by the ARENA and CEFC, with a tender to be issued publically in April 2017.