Mr Steve Ludlam, the former Chief Executive of naval shipbuilder ASC and a current member of the Defence SA Advisory Board, has been appointed as the new Chair of SA’s Automotive Transformation Taskforce.

He has also been appointed as the Chair of the Northern Economic and Social Implementation Board, a key advisory body under the Northern Economic Plan.
Commenting on the appointment, Automotive Transformation Minister Kyam Maher said the Taskforce will continue to play a critical role in assisting automotive and component manufacturers to diversify into new industries and markets, and to take advantage of the opportunities presented by SA’s continuous build of naval ships.
“Steve Ludlam is a global submarine expert who was Chief Executive of naval shipbuilding company ASC Pty Ltd from 2010 to 2014. Before moving to Adelaide, Mr Ludlam was President of Submarines at Rolls-Royce in the United Kingdom, where he led the successful modernisation of the country’s submarine program,” the Minister said.
“During his time at ASC he restructured the company’s operations, and is widely credited for restoring efficiencies in the Collins-class submarine maintenance program. Mr Ludlam is the ideal person to lead the Automotive Transformation Taskforce as the Holden closure draws nearer, and to help supply chain companies to diversify and take advantage of the huge opportunities set to be delivered by Adelaide’s naval shipbuilding future.”
The Automotive Transformation Taskforce was established in 2014 in response to the Holden closure. It has established critical support initiatives – such as the Automotive Workers in Transition Program and the Automotive Supplier Diversification Program – to help supply chain companies and workers to retrain and diversify.
The Northern Economic Plan – which focuses on driving economic and social transformation in northern Adelaide – was developed by the State Government in partnership with the Playford, Salisbury, and Port Adelaide Enfield councils, industries, businesses, and the community.